
Archive for November, 2017

The only prayer we ever need to say is . . .

Thank You

“Thank You” is the only prayer we ever need. We need to say it frequently throughout the day, about everything. It’s an abundant world and it’s meant to work and we need to connect with that abundance and constantly look for all the reasons we have to be grateful.

We need to focus all our attention and energy on the many gifts we have in our lives, from the most simple like the gift of a new day which gives us the fresh opportunity to begin all over again to live, love, laugh and learn – to the grand, like a life that’s overflowing with good health fortune, family and friends.

Occasionally, life throws a curve ball and some days can be very difficult and painful. But if that happens to you, set aside the complaints, the angers, fears and sadness. It’s not always easy, but see if you can put them on the back burner with the knowledge that you can bring them back any time you choose. Then take in a deep breath and find the one positive thing you can hold on to for that one moment and that one day. Focus on the one thing you are grateful for and breathe life into it.

If you can’t run, be grateful you can walk and say, “Thank You”. If you can’t walk, be grateful you can talk and say, “Thank You”. If you lost a loved one, be grateful for the good memories and say, “Thank You”. If you are alone, be grateful and say, “Thank You” for the chance to quietly connect with yourself, universal energy/God. If you judge yourself harshly, look within and find your Inner Child who needs your encouragement and understanding, find that vulnerable self who reminds you to love and accept and say, “Thank You”. If you have a problem of any sort, remember there is always a solution and say, “Thank You”.

The greater the gratitude, the more you will have to be grateful for. Abundance will grow and grow until your heart is filled and overflowing with peace, acceptance, trust and love. Look for abundance to come into your life in the most amazing ways and you will soon realize that the things you put on the back burner will soon begin to disappear. Then you will truly be free.

I Thank You for being in my life. I am enriched by every person I meet and I am changed by every person with whom I interact, whether I am aware of it in the moment or not.

This Thanksgiving, I give special thanks for whatever we have shared together. Some of you have allowed me to enter your lives in deeply personal ways, while with others, our contact may have been brief. In fact, some of you are friends I haven’t met yet. Regardless of the nature of our relationship, I am grateful for your presence in this world and that we peacefully share our beautiful earth together. . . and I say. . .

Thank You!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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