
Archive for January, 2022

“Life is fair. What you put out comes back to you.”

Martha Borst

Vibration and Energy

It is a scientifically proven premise that everything in the universe consists of energy. Energy is the unseen force that somehow helps us change, grow, and accomplish what we want in life. There are various ways people choose to put a name to this power. Some include energy, spirit, love, God, chi, life force, Allah, Buddha, light, universal consciousness, the Great Spirit, the Divine. (In order to respect all beliefs, I will say Universe. When I do, please insert your own belief.)

Energy, which comprises positive and negative forces (God/Devil, light/darkness, love/hatred, etc.) constantly reacting to one another (attracting and repelling), is always in a state of movement or vibration. Vibration can be measured in two ways:

  1.  Frequency—which is the speed and rate of vibration.
  2. Amplitude—which is the power or strength of the vibration.

In order to understand how we can use this information to attract what we want in our lives, let’s look at a simple example of how the Law of Attraction works with energy, vibration, frequency, and amplitude.

A radio transmits radio waves into the atmosphere. These waves are broadcast at different vibration frequencies (cycles per second) and at different volume levels (amplitude). The station on your radio dial that vibrates at the same frequency picks up the vibration waves.

In other words, the receiver and the station attract one another because they have the same vibration frequency, or it is said that they are in vibration resonance. As you turn the dial on your radio, you notice there is a point at which the radio picks up the station broadcast and the sound is very clear.

That is vibration resonance (alignment/synchronicity).

However, the radio needs to be in a geographical range that can pick up the broadcast signal. If the signal (amplitude) is very strong and loud, then it can, of course, register and be heard at a greater distance. If the amplitude is not powerful enough to travel the distance to the receiver, then the message will not come through, even if they are on the same vibration frequency.

It should also be noted, it is impossible to tune into a radio station (the broadcaster) unless the dial is positioned so the radio (receiver) is in vibration resonance with the frequency of the broadcast. The message simply cannot be heard because there is no attraction.

Only vibrations that are in harmony or alignment (in resonance) with each other can respond to each other.

Since everything in the universe is energy, then thought is energy, ideas are energy… words, circumstances, emotions, things, people, etc. are all energy. Energy is always vibrating, and the vibrations occur at different frequencies.

We humans generate, create, and cause many things to happen by focusing our energy. We focus “on” something, such as a goal, for instance. All our attention (our thoughts, actions and feelings) go towards it. If we stay focused, we will achieve what we set out to accomplish. If we let our attention stray and allow ourselves to focus on something else, then we get “sidetracked” and we miss the goal. It soon becomes clear that we attract to ourselves whatever is in resonance (vibration/harmony) with the focus of our attention.

We focus our attention through our thinking (our beliefs and assumptions). Every thought (which is energy) has its own frequency and attracts back to us whatever resonates in harmony with that frequency. We strengthen our thoughts by concentrating on them and by energizing them with powerful emotions. In so doing, we raise the amplitude. Therefore, the stronger the emotion, the more powerful is the vibration message, which will connect to the Universe/God.

Our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, assumptions, beliefs and behaviors (our CONTEXT) are all frequencies we are constantly transmitting. The most powerful of these are our thoughts, because everything else is a direct result of and affected by our thoughts.

We end up with the results we have in our lives (CONTENT) because we attract it into our experience by the focus of our attention. Since we can only attract that with which we vibrate harmoniously, nothing comes into our lives uninvited or by “accident”.

We get what we get in life because of the Law of Attraction. When we fully understand this, then we can consciously understand how to deliberately create what we want.

Prayer and meditation are ways of managing thoughts and energy. They can be very helpful in terms of letting go of negative thoughts and limiting thoughts that might attract the very things we don’t want. We are all human. We all have negative thoughts, and since whatever we think about becomes a part of a vibration field that transmits and attracts something back to us, we can easily attract the things we say we don’t want.

When you have negative thoughts, don’t resist them because that only focuses more attention and energy on them, which automatically includes them in the vibration field. Just notice them, acknowledge them and release any emotional energy you may have on them (this is why forgiveness is so powerful) and let them pass on through.

Remember: we create by focusing our energy on something, so always focus on what you DO want, not on what you don’t want. Focusing on the negatives will certainly attract more negatives into your life. They will come not because life is unfair, or because you are unlucky, or because bad things always seem to happen to you, but because you’ve focused your attention on the negative.

We create through focused attention and we attract negatives because we resonate at the same vibration as them. As all powerful religions of the world realize:

Sustained, focused thought is the most powerful vibration there is on the planet.

Prayer, meditation, and “pure” thoughts are powerful! Conversely, if you don’t choose the thought on which you want to focus, you create by default. Not choosing is choosing. If you do nothing to deliberately or consciously create things the way you want them, if you do nothing to take responsibility for the way you choose to think, then you are at the mercy of chance/luck.

It is our responsibility to be in control of our energy and if we don’t control our own energy, then the people who control their own energy will create for us simply by the power of their influence. Therefore, other people, outside events, circumstances, etc. will determine our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. If we don’t consciously choose the thoughts we want to transmit to the Universe/God, then we have little control over our lives.


 Life IS fair. What you put out comes back to you.

Assignment: Design a Creation Box. Find a shoe box and decorate it beautifully. Make it look like a present. Make sure you can open the lid. Inside, place pictures of whatever you want (you can have several things). Put each picture on a card and describe (in detail) the thing you want. Add emotional feeling in your description. Place the card or cards in the box.

Every day, open the box and read the card(s). Focus on the thing you want with intensity. See a clear picture of it in your mind. See it in your life. Experience what it is like to have it. Return the cards to the box. Close the lid and put the box away until the next day.

Repeat each day for 30 days. Do not miss a day! See what happens! It will amaze you. The Universe/God will give you what your energy, frequency and amplitude allow. When your energy, frequency and amplitude are in alignment with Universal Law, you will be supported and served—always!

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“Before you speak your words, you must pass through three doors. To move through the first door, you must  ask yourself ‘Is it honest?’ If yes, then move to the second door and ask, ‘Is it necessary?’ If yes, then move to the third door and ask yourself, ‘Is it kind?’ If yes, then you may speak….

~A saying from the Sufi religion

A New Day’s Lyric

By Amanda Gorman

May this be the day

We come together,

Mourning, we come to mend,

Withered, we come to weather,

Torn, we come to tend,

Battered we come to better.

Tethered by this year of yearning,

We are learning

That though we weren’t ready for this,

We have been readied by it.

We steadily vow that no matter

How we are weighed down,

We must always pave a way forward.

This hope is our door, our portal.

Even if we never get back to normal,

Someday we can venture beyond it,

To leave the known, and take the first steps.

So let us not return to what was normal,

But reach toward what is next.

What was cursed, we will cure.

What was plagued, we will prove pure.

Where we tend to argue, we will try to agree.

Those fortunes we forswore, now the future we foresee.

Where we weren’t aware, we are now awake;

Those moments we missed,

Are now these moments we make;

The moments we meet,

And our hearts, once all together beaten,

Now all together beat.

Come look up with kindness yet,

For even solace can be sourced from sorrow.

We remember, not just for the sake of yesterday,

But to take on tomorrow.

We heed this old spirit,

In a new day’s lyric,

In our hearts we hear it:

For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne.

Be bold, sang Time this year,

Be bold, sang Time.

For when you honor yesterday,

Tomorrow ye will find.

Know what we’ve fought,

Need not be forgot nor for none.

It defines us, binds us as one,

Come over, join this day just begun.

For wherever we come together,

We will forever overcome.

With thanks to my good friends Arnie and Nancy for sharing this quote with us.

2022 – a time to begin again.

May we be kind to ourselves and to others.

With love to you all for a

Happy New Year!

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